Competition: Ijsclub Haarlem Wedstrijd

  • 14 athletes from 1 nation
  • 3 women and 11 men
  • 8 distances (10000m, 1000m, 1500m, 3000m, 5000m, 500m, 500m (1. Race), 500m (2. Race))
  • 55 races (1x mit DNF/DNS/DQ)

Text view of the competition results

Ijsclub Haarlem Wedstrijd
23. - 24.01.2008
Stadio del Ghiaccio Ice Rink Piné srl (ITA)

Big Combination (Men), 23. - 24.01.2008

POS   NAME              AG       NAT   500M               5000M                 1500M                10000M                POINTS    DIFF      RECORDS   
1     Eric Zwart        Senior   NED   46.54   (1)        8:05.08    (1)        2:15.08   (1)        16:16.00   (1)        188.874             SB        
2     Frank Kathmann    M45      NED   57.49   (3)   SB   10:11.33   (2)        2:50.23   (2)        20:50.40   (2)   SB   237.886   +49.012   SB        
3     Bert Grotenhuis   M45      NED   56.78   (2)   SB   10:34.42   (3)   SB   2:54.93   (3)   SB   21:11.55   (3)   SB   242.109   +53.235   SB        

Big Combination (Women), 23. - 24.01.2008

POS   NAME           AG    NAT   500M               5000M                1500M                10000M                    POINTS    DIFF      RECORDS   
1     Imke Hermans   Neo   NED   45.86   (1)        8:39.76   (1)   SB   2:20.20   (1)        17:31.45   (1)   TR, PB   197.141             TR, PB    
2     Maité Stoete   M35   NED   50.46   (2)   SB   9:14.92   (2)   SB   2:32.09   (2)   SB   18:47.16   (2)   SB       213.006   +15.865   SB        

Allround (Women), 23. - 24.01.2008

POS   NAME               AG   NAT   500M             3000M              1500M              1000M              POINTS    DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Lieneke de Kroon   A1   NED   48.78   (1)      5:28.98   (1)      2:27.24   (1)      1:37.37   (1)      201.375                    

Allround (Men), 23. - 24.01.2008

POS   NAME             AG   NAT   500M             3000M              1500M              1000M                POINTS    DIFF     RECORDS   
1     Gerben Jansen    B2   NED   44.91   (2)      4:47.88   (1)      2:15.09   (1)      1:28.06   (2)        181.950                      
2     Erik.90 Luiten   B2   NED   43.92   (1)      5:10.53   (2)      2:18.64   (2)      1:27.44   (1)   SB   185.608   +3.658             

Small Combination (Men), 23. - 24.01.2008

POS   NAME                  AG    NAT   500M             3000M                1500M                5000M                POINTS    DIFF      RECORDS   
1     Johan Hendriks        A2    NED   43.94   (1)      4:29.31   (1)        2:08.85   (1)        7:27.90   (1)   SB   176.565             PB        
2     Piet van Tongeren     M50   NED   47.63   (3)      5:10.63   (2)        2:22.68   (2)        8:33.02   (2)   SB   198.263   +21.698   SB        
3     Kees Voorhoeve        M50   NED   47.45   (2)      5:16.24   (3)        2:23.60   (3)        8:49.81   (3)        201.003   +24.438   SB        
4     Ronald Elbersen       M50   NED   51.76   (5)      5:43.35   (4)   SB   2:35.45   (5)   SB   9:40.39   (5)   SB   218.840   +42.275   SB        
      Peter van der Klauw   M55   NED   51.24   (4)      -                    2:33.28   (4)   PB   9:20.91   (4)   SB   -                             

Allround (Men), 23. - 24.01.2008

POS   NAME                  AG    NAT   500M 1. RACE            500M 2. RACE            1000M              POINTS    DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Thijs van den Dries   Neo   NED   40.21          (1)      40.31          (1)      1:23.05   (1)      122.045                    

Ijsclub Haarlem Wedstrijd
23. - 24.01.2008
Stadio del Ghiaccio Ice Rink Piné srl (ITA)

NAME                  AG       500M (1. RACE)         500M (2. RACE)         500M          500M          500M          1000M           1000M           1500M           1500M           1500M           3000M           3000M           5000M            5000M           10000M           
Thijs van den Dries   Neo      40.21            (1)   40.31            (1)                                                             1:23.05   (1)                                                                                                                                     
Eric Zwart            Senior                                                 46.54   (1)                                                               2:15.08   (1)                                                                   8:05.08    (1)                   16:16.00   (1)   
Frank Kathmann        M45                                                    57.49   (3)                                                               2:50.23   (2)                                                                   10:11.33   (2)                   20:50.40   (2)   
Bert Grotenhuis       M45                                                    56.78   (2)                                                               2:54.93   (3)                                                                   10:34.42   (3)                   21:11.55   (3)   
Gerben Jansen         B2                                                                   44.91   (2)                 1:28.06   (2)                                   2:15.09   (1)                   4:47.88   (1)                                                                     
Erik.90 Luiten        B2                                                                   43.92   (1)                 1:27.44   (1)                                   2:18.64   (2)                   5:10.53   (2)                                                                     
Kees Voorhoeve        M50                                                                                47.45   (2)                                                                   2:23.60   (3)                   5:16.24   (3)                    8:49.81   (3)                    
Johan Hendriks        A2                                                                                 43.94   (1)                                                                   2:08.85   (1)                   4:29.31   (1)                    7:27.90   (1)                    
Piet van Tongeren     M50                                                                                47.63   (3)                                                                   2:22.68   (2)                   5:10.63   (2)                    8:33.02   (2)                    
Ronald Elbersen       M50                                                                                51.76   (5)                                                                   2:35.45   (5)                   5:43.35   (4)                    9:40.39   (5)                    
Peter van der Klauw   M55                                                                                51.24   (4)                                                                   2:33.28   (4)                   DNF                              9:20.91   (4)                    

NAME               AG    500M          500M          1000M           1500M           1500M           3000M           5000M           10000M           
Imke Hermans       Neo   45.86   (1)                                 2:20.20   (1)                                   8:39.76   (1)   17:31.45   (1)   
Maité Stoete       M35   50.46   (2)                                 2:32.09   (2)                                   9:14.92   (2)   18:47.16   (2)   
Lieneke de Kroon   A1                  48.78   (1)   1:37.37   (1)                   2:27.24   (1)   5:28.98   (1)