Competition: Jan Van Gennip
- Rink:
Haarlem (NED) - Date:
- 19.12.2015
- Records:
- Information:
- 167 athletes from 1 nation
- 85 women and 82 men
- 3 distances (100m, 300m, 500m)
- 334 races (6x mit DNF/DNS/DQ)
Men , Samalog - Allround 100m/500m 19.12.2015
Igor Baars | Sietse Lek | Bram Verhoef | Vincent Nikkels | Stefan Roovers | Hidde van Leeuwen | Dennis Jonker | Joeke van Mulligen | Barry de Jonge | Daniel Vonk | Daan Karssing | Arjan Schoorl | Sjoerd Steeman | Dario The | |
-1.07 | -1.60 | -3.79 | -4.26 | -7.19 | -8.37 | -8.68 | -9.86 | -9.97 | -11.31 | -12.03 | -14.04 | -19.12 | ||
+1.07 | -0.53 | -2.72 | -3.19 | -6.12 | -7.30 | -7.61 | -8.79 | -8.90 | -10.24 | -10.96 | -12.97 | -18.05 | ||
+1.60 | +0.53 | -2.19 | -2.66 | -5.59 | -6.77 | -7.08 | -8.26 | -8.37 | -9.71 | -10.43 | -12.44 | -17.52 | ||
+3.79 | +2.72 | +2.19 | -0.47 | -3.40 | -4.58 | -4.89 | -6.07 | -6.18 | -7.52 | -8.24 | -10.25 | -15.33 | ||
+4.26 | +3.19 | +2.66 | +0.47 | -2.93 | -4.11 | -4.42 | -5.60 | -5.71 | -7.05 | -7.77 | -9.78 | -14.86 | ||
+7.19 | +6.12 | +5.59 | +3.40 | +2.93 | -1.18 | -1.49 | -2.67 | -2.78 | -4.12 | -4.84 | -6.85 | -11.93 | ||
+8.37 | +7.30 | +6.77 | +4.58 | +4.11 | +1.18 | -0.31 | -1.49 | -1.60 | -2.94 | -3.66 | -5.67 | -10.75 | ||
+8.68 | +7.61 | +7.08 | +4.89 | +4.42 | +1.49 | +0.31 | -1.18 | -1.29 | -2.63 | -3.35 | -5.36 | -10.44 | ||
+9.86 | +8.79 | +8.26 | +6.07 | +5.60 | +2.67 | +1.49 | +1.18 | -0.11 | -1.45 | -2.17 | -4.18 | -9.26 | ||
+9.97 | +8.90 | +8.37 | +6.18 | +5.71 | +2.78 | +1.60 | +1.29 | +0.11 | -1.34 | -2.06 | -4.07 | -9.15 | ||
+11.31 | +10.24 | +9.71 | +7.52 | +7.05 | +4.12 | +2.94 | +2.63 | +1.45 | +1.34 | -0.72 | -2.73 | -7.81 | ||
+12.03 | +10.96 | +10.43 | +8.24 | +7.77 | +4.84 | +3.66 | +3.35 | +2.17 | +2.06 | +0.72 | -2.01 | -7.09 | ||
+14.04 | +12.97 | +12.44 | +10.25 | +9.78 | +6.85 | +5.67 | +5.36 | +4.18 | +4.07 | +2.73 | +2.01 | -5.08 | ||
+19.12 | +18.05 | +17.52 | +15.33 | +14.86 | +11.93 | +10.75 | +10.44 | +9.26 | +9.15 | +7.81 | +7.09 | +5.08 | ||