Competition: Ländervergleichkampf Bayern-Berlin
- Rink:
Inzell (GER) - Date:
- 26. - 27.11.1994
- Records:
- 3x National Record Master AG 30
- 1x National Record Master AG 45
- 3x Championship Record Master AG 30
- 1x Championship Record Master AG 45
- 52x Seasonal Best
- 11x Personal Best
- Information:
- 87 athletes from 5 nations
- 38 women and 49 men
- 5 distances (1000m, 1500m, 3000m, 300m, 500m)
- 229 races
Men Out of Competition - 500 meter 27.11.1994
René Wit | Hye-Keun Park | Eugen Strobel | Marc Otter | Lars Koopman | Jong-Seok Lee | Jelle Mak | Dick Houter | Woo-Yong Lee | Thomas Hirm | Henrie van Tol | |
-0.11 | -1.71 | -2.67 | -3.94 | -4.66 | -5.05 | -7.00 | -7.94 | -21.78 | -23.24 | ||
+0.11 | -1.60 | -2.56 | -3.83 | -4.55 | -4.94 | -6.89 | -7.83 | -21.67 | -23.13 | ||
+1.71 | +1.60 | -0.96 | -2.23 | -2.95 | -3.34 | -5.29 | -6.23 | -20.07 | -21.53 | ||
+2.67 | +2.56 | +0.96 | -1.27 | -1.99 | -2.38 | -4.33 | -5.27 | -19.11 | -20.57 | ||
+3.94 | +3.83 | +2.23 | +1.27 | -0.72 | -1.11 | -3.06 | -4.00 | -17.84 | -19.30 | ||
+4.66 | +4.55 | +2.95 | +1.99 | +0.72 | -0.39 | -2.34 | -3.28 | -17.12 | -18.58 | ||
+5.05 | +4.94 | +3.34 | +2.38 | +1.11 | +0.39 | -1.95 | -2.89 | -16.73 | -18.19 | ||
+7.00 | +6.89 | +5.29 | +4.33 | +3.06 | +2.34 | +1.95 | -0.94 | -14.78 | -16.24 | ||
+7.94 | +7.83 | +6.23 | +5.27 | +4.00 | +3.28 | +2.89 | +0.94 | -13.84 | -15.30 | ||
+21.78 | +21.67 | +20.07 | +19.11 | +17.84 | +17.12 | +16.73 | +14.78 | +13.84 | -1.46 | ||
+23.24 | +23.13 | +21.53 | +20.57 | +19.30 | +18.58 | +18.19 | +16.24 | +15.30 | +1.46 | ||