Competition: Mongolian Allround Championships 2005

Ulaanbaatar (MGL)
26. - 27.02.2005
  • 12 athletes from 1 nation
  • 6 women and 6 men
  • 5 distances (1000m, 1500m, 3000m, 5000m, 500m)
  • 48 races

Text view of the competition results

Mongolian Allround Championships 2005
26. - 27.02.2005
Central Stadium (MGL)

Small Combination (Men), 26. - 27.02.2005

POS   NAME                     AG    NAT   500M               3000M                1500M                5000M                POINTS    DIFF     RECORDS   
1     Galbaatar Uuganbaatar    B1    MGL   45.21   (2)   SB   5:07.87   (1)   SB   2:24.55   (2)   SB   8:41.18   (1)   SB   196.824            SB        
2     Ganbat Jargalanchuluun   A1    MGL   44.66   (1)   SB   5:14.62   (2)   SB   2:19.82   (1)   SB   9:00.28   (2)   SB   197.732   +0.908   SB        
3     Batsuuri Bazarsad        C2    MGL   45.32   (3)        5:20.79   (3)        2:26.24   (4)   SB   9:02.00   (3)   SB   201.732   +4.908   SB        
4     Ganbat Munkh-Amidral     C2    MGL   -                  5:26.64   (4)   SB   2:30.71   (5)   SB   9:18.39   (5)   SB   160.516                      
5     Luvsandorj Baasan        A2    MGL   -                  5:26.87   (5)   SB   -                    9:10.47   (4)   SB   109.527                      
6     Rentsendorj Baasandorj   Neo   MGL   -                  -                    2:26.00   (3)        -                    48.667                       

Mini Combination (Women), 26. - 27.02.2005

POS   NAME                      AG       NAT   500M               1500M                 1000M                3000M                 POINTS    DIFF     RECORDS   
1     Duuren Natsagnyam         Neo      MGL   49.54   (2)        2:43.40   (1)         1:41.26   (1)   SB   5:45.77   (1)   SB    212.266            SB        
2     Narangerel Odtsetseg      A2       MGL   48.96   (1)        2:45.09   (2)         1:42.93   (2)        5:51.23   (2)   SB    213.994   +1.728             
3     Bat-Erdene Urgaatsetseg   B2       MGL   -                  2:55.58   (3)   SB    1:53.27   (3)   SB   6:29.48   (3)   SB    180.076                      
4     Damdin Erdenetsetseg      M50      MGL   -                  3:12.67   (4)   NRM   -                    6:53.80   (4)   NRM   133.191                      
5     Balgansuren Delgermunkh   Senior   MGL   54.56   (3)   SB   -                     -                    -                     54.560             SB        
6     Purevsuren Purevsuren     B2       MGL   -                  -                     -                    6:58.48   (5)   SB    69.747                       

Mongolian Allround Championships 2005
26. - 27.02.2005
Central Stadium (MGL)

NAME                     AG    500M          1500M           3000M           5000M           
Rentsendorj Baasandorj   Neo                 2:26.00   (3)                                   
Ganbat Jargalanchuluun   A1    44.66   (1)   2:19.82   (1)   5:14.62   (2)   9:00.28   (2)   
Luvsandorj Baasan        A2                                  5:26.87   (5)   9:10.47   (4)   
Galbaatar Uuganbaatar    B1    45.21   (2)   2:24.55   (2)   5:07.87   (1)   8:41.18   (1)   
Ganbat Munkh-Amidral     C2                  2:30.71   (5)   5:26.64   (4)   9:18.39   (5)   
Batsuuri Bazarsad        C2    45.32   (3)   2:26.24   (4)   5:20.79   (3)   9:02.00   (3)   

NAME                      AG       500M          1000M           1500M           3000M           
Duuren Natsagnyam         Neo      49.54   (2)   1:41.26   (1)   2:43.40   (1)   5:45.77   (1)   
Narangerel Odtsetseg      A2       48.96   (1)   1:42.93   (2)   2:45.09   (2)   5:51.23   (2)   
Purevsuren Purevsuren     B2                                                     6:58.48   (5)   
Bat-Erdene Urgaatsetseg   B2                     1:53.27   (3)   2:55.58   (3)   6:29.48   (3)   
Balgansuren Delgermunkh   Senior   54.56   (3)                                                   
Damdin Erdenetsetseg      M50                                    3:12.67   (4)   6:53.80   (4)