Competition: Pupillen Competitie

  • 28 athletes from 1 nation
  • 13 women and 15 men
  • 4 distances (100m, 300m, 500m, 700m)
  • 112 races

Text view of the competition results

Pupillen Competitie
Kunstijsbaan Jaap Eden (NED)

Allround (Men), 18.12.2011

POS   NAME               AG   NAT   100M                700M                  300M                500M                POINTS    DIFF        RECORDS   
1     Karel Scheepstra   D2   NED   12.34   (1)         1:12.08   (1)         30.90   (1)         49.48     (1)       164.800                         
2     Teun Mouris        D2   NED   13.06   (2)    PB   1:14.79   (2)         32.58   (2)         51.33     (2)       171.760   +6.960                
3     Serge Yoro         D1   NED   13.37   (4)         1:18.85   (3)         32.96   (3)         53.40     (3)       178.580   +13.780               
4     Tobias Gobel       D1   NED   13.81   (8)         1:22.53   (5)         35.24   (4)         57.91     (4)       189.490   +24.690               
5     Wieger Gobel       E2   NED   13.76   (7)         1:21.95   (4)         35.53   (5)         58.66     (5)       189.900   +25.100               
6     Rinus Drost        D2   NED   14.18   (10)   SB   1:26.94   (7)         35.97   (6)    SB   1:00.89   (7)       197.980   +33.180               
7     Corne de Jong      D2   NED   14.15   (9)         1:26.46   (6)    SB   37.82   (9)         1:01.07   (8)       199.500   +34.700               
8     Dirk Reijinders    E2   NED   13.73   (6)         1:28.06   (8)         37.48   (8)         1:00.63   (6)       199.900   +35.100               
9     Gregor Portengen   D2   NED   13.49   (5)         1:29.09   (9)         36.61   (7)         1:01.61   (9)       200.800   +36.000               
10    Sjoerd de Boer     D1   NED   14.65   (11)        1:29.75   (10)        38.29   (10)        1:02.04   (10)      204.730   +39.930               
11    Maurits Franken    D2   NED   13.24   (3)    PB   1:29.87   (11)   PB   45.56   (15)        1:03.68   (11)      212.350   +47.550               
12    Jochem Delvaux     D1   NED   15.07   (13)        1:32.47   (12)   SB   40.90   (13)        1:04.50   (12)      212.940   +48.140               
13    Simon Rem          D1   NED   15.16   (14)        1:36.33   (14)   SB   40.68   (12)        1:07.64   (13)      219.810   +55.010               
14    Sander Boeree      E2   NED   14.86   (12)        1:34.88   (13)   SB   39.79   (11)        1:18.86   (15)      228.390   +1.03.590             
15    Dennis Rolfes      D1   NED   20.43   (15)        1:43.07   (15)        42.19   (14)        1:10.35   (14)      236.040   +1.11.240             

Allround (Women), 18.12.2011

POS   NAME                   AG   NAT   100M              700M                  300M              500M                POINTS    DIFF        RECORDS   
1     Charlotte Kool         D2   NED   13.40   (3)       1:12.37   (1)         32.67   (1)       51.97     (1)       170.410                         
2     Sija Brinksma          D2   NED   13.09   (2)       1:15.25   (2)         33.33   (2)       52.16     (2)       173.830   +3.420                
3     Marlies Kaars          D2   NED   13.81   (5)       1:19.34   (3)         35.44   (4)       56.39     (4)       184.980   +14.570               
4     Tessa Snoek            D1   NED   12.85   (1)       1:22.59   (4)         34.36   (3)       55.91     (3)       185.710   +15.300               
5     Sanne Reijnders        D2   NED   14.36   (9)       1:23.91   (6)         36.23   (5)       58.33     (5)       192.830   +22.420               
6     Tirza Sandu            E2   NED   14.36   (10)      1:23.78   (5)         36.66   (6)       59.32     (8)       194.120   +23.710               
7     Zoe Paardekooper       D1   NED   14.81   (11)      1:24.89   (7)         38.07   (10)      59.32     (7)       197.090   +26.680               
8     Carmen Douma           D1   NED   14.25   (8)       1:26.24   (8)         37.68   (9)       59.29     (6)       197.460   +27.050               
9     Ryanne Westenberg      D1   NED   13.97   (6)       1:26.63   (9)         36.68   (7)       1:00.30   (9)       197.580   +27.170               
10    Valerie van Diepen     D1   NED   13.79   (4)       1:32.08   (11)        37.25   (8)       1:01.34   (10)      204.460   +34.050               
11    Maud van Olst          D2   NED   14.21   (7)       1:28.37   (10)   SB   38.25   (11)      1:06.97   (11)      207.800   +37.390               
12    Myrthe Westenberg      D1   NED   14.85   (13)      1:40.54   (12)        41.70   (12)      1:08.58   (12)      225.670   +55.260               
13    Eline van Lindenberg   D1   NED   14.85   (12)      1:44.50   (13)        46.36   (13)      1:09.12   (13)      234.830   +1.04.420             

Pupillen Competitie
Kunstijsbaan Jaap Eden (NED)

NAME               AG   100M           300M           500M             700M             
Teun Mouris        D2   13.06   (2)    32.58   (2)    51.33     (2)    1:14.79   (2)    
Karel Scheepstra   D2   12.34   (1)    30.90   (1)    49.48     (1)    1:12.08   (1)    
Serge Yoro         D1   13.37   (4)    32.96   (3)    53.40     (3)    1:18.85   (3)    
Corne de Jong      D2   14.15   (9)    37.82   (9)    1:01.07   (8)    1:26.46   (6)    
Sander Boeree      E2   14.86   (12)   39.79   (11)   1:18.86   (15)   1:34.88   (13)   
Gregor Portengen   D2   13.49   (5)    36.61   (7)    1:01.61   (9)    1:29.09   (9)    
Tobias Gobel       D1   13.81   (8)    35.24   (4)    57.91     (4)    1:22.53   (5)    
Wieger Gobel       E2   13.76   (7)    35.53   (5)    58.66     (5)    1:21.95   (4)    
Rinus Drost        D2   14.18   (10)   35.97   (6)    1:00.89   (7)    1:26.94   (7)    
Sjoerd de Boer     D1   14.65   (11)   38.29   (10)   1:02.04   (10)   1:29.75   (10)   
Jochem Delvaux     D1   15.07   (13)   40.90   (13)   1:04.50   (12)   1:32.47   (12)   
Maurits Franken    D2   13.24   (3)    45.56   (15)   1:03.68   (11)   1:29.87   (11)   
Dennis Rolfes      D1   20.43   (15)   42.19   (14)   1:10.35   (14)   1:43.07   (15)   
Simon Rem          D1   15.16   (14)   40.68   (12)   1:07.64   (13)   1:36.33   (14)   
Dirk Reijinders    E2   13.73   (6)    37.48   (8)    1:00.63   (6)    1:28.06   (8)    

NAME                   AG   100M           300M           500M             700M             
Sija Brinksma          D2   13.09   (2)    33.33   (2)    52.16     (2)    1:15.25   (2)    
Charlotte Kool         D2   13.40   (3)    32.67   (1)    51.97     (1)    1:12.37   (1)    
Marlies Kaars          D2   13.81   (5)    35.44   (4)    56.39     (4)    1:19.34   (3)    
Tirza Sandu            E2   14.36   (10)   36.66   (6)    59.32     (8)    1:23.78   (5)    
Tessa Snoek            D1   12.85   (1)    34.36   (3)    55.91     (3)    1:22.59   (4)    
Myrthe Westenberg      D1   14.85   (13)   41.70   (12)   1:08.58   (12)   1:40.54   (12)   
Ryanne Westenberg      D1   13.97   (6)    36.68   (7)    1:00.30   (9)    1:26.63   (9)    
Carmen Douma           D1   14.25   (8)    37.68   (9)    59.29     (6)    1:26.24   (8)    
Eline van Lindenberg   D1   14.85   (12)   46.36   (13)   1:09.12   (13)   1:44.50   (13)   
Zoe Paardekooper       D1   14.81   (11)   38.07   (10)   59.32     (7)    1:24.89   (7)    
Sanne Reijnders        D2   14.36   (9)    36.23   (5)    58.33     (5)    1:23.91   (6)    
Maud van Olst          D2   14.21   (7)    38.25   (11)   1:06.97   (11)   1:28.37   (10)   
Valerie van Diepen     D1   13.79   (4)    37.25   (8)    1:01.34   (10)   1:32.08   (11)