Athlete Data of Bjørn Arne Nyland

Profile image of Bjørn Arne Nyland

Bjørn Arne Nyland

Bjørn Nyland

Current state:
Retired (M60)
Last competition:

Personal Bests:

DistancePersonal BestLocationEventDate
500 meter 38.20 Davos (SUI) Internationaler Wettkampf 18.01.1983
1000 meter 1:15.92 Heerenveen (NED) n/a 20.03.1987
1500 meter 1:56.08 Davos (SUI) 4. World Cup 1986/1987 - Men 17.01.1987
3000 meter 4:07.90 Davos (SUI) Internationaler Wettkampf 22.01.1983
5000 meter 6:58.31 Alma Ata (KAZ) n/a 17.03.1983
10.000 meter 14:39.72 Inzell (GER) Goldener Schlittschuh 05.03.1983
Last Update: 24.03.2025

Established or current Recordholder:

TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
Mini combination 162.499 Oslo (NOR) Juniorløp 13. - 14.12.1980
Last Update: 24.03.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
Mini combination 162.499 Oslo (NOR) Juniorløp 13. - 14.12.1980
Last Update: 24.03.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
1500 meter 1:58.71 Davos (SUI) Internationaler Wettkampf 17.01.1982
Small combination 166.680 Davos (SUI) Internationaler Wettkampf 16. - 17.01.1982
Small combination 167.760 Tønsberg (NOR) Norges-Cupen 09. - 10.01.1982
Big combination 173.128 Oslo (Kristiania) (NOR) Nyttårs Løpene 02. - 03.01.1982
Small combination 168.079 Larvik (NOR) Norgescup 12. - 13.12.1981
5000 meter 7:21.08 Oslo (Kristiania) (NOR) Oscarløpet 06.12.1981
Small combination 170.398 Elverum (NOR) World Allround Championships Juniors 1981 28.02. - 01.03.1981
3000 meter 4:17.75 Davos (SUI) Internationaler Wettkampf 16.01.1981
5000 meter 7:25.93 Davos (SUI) Internationaler Wettkampf 10.01.1981
1500 meter 2:00.16 Davos (SUI) Internationaler Wettkampf 10.01.1981
1500 meter 2:01.00 Oslo (NOR) Juniorløp 13.12.1980
Mini combination 162.499 Oslo (NOR) Juniorløp 13. - 14.12.1980
Last Update: 24.03.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
Sprint combination 157.900 Elverum (NOR) Norges-Cup Menn Sprint 05. - 06.12.1987
1500 meter 2:01.17 Stavanger (NOR) Norwegian Single Distance Championships 1987 20.02.1987
1000 meter 1:18.90 Nannestad (NOR) Propaganda 25.02.1986
1500 meter 2:00.21 Jevnaker (NOR) Norwegian Allround Championships 1986 12.01.1986
500 meter 41.00 Moss (NOR) åpning 12.12.1985
1500 meter 2:08.00 Harstad (NOR) Nordic Cup 08.03.1984
1500 meter 1:57.46 Tynset (NOR) Norwegian Allround Championships 1983 27.02.1983
5000 meter 7:18.08 Den Haag (NED) European Championships 1983 29.01.1983
3000 meter 4:10.49 Trondheim (NOR) Int Ballangruds Minneløp 28.11.1982
1500 meter 2:11.10 Alta (NOR) Nasjonalt 28.03.1982
Small combination 171.717 Savalen (NOR) Country Match SWE-NED-NOR-FRG 13. - 14.03.1982
500 meter 40.11 Stjørdal (NOR) Norwegian Sprint Championships 1982 27.02.1982
1000 meter 1:20.23 Stjørdal (NOR) Norwegian Sprint Championships 1982 27.02.1982
Sprint combination 163.735 Stjørdal (NOR) Norwegian Sprint Championships 1982 27. - 28.02.1982
1500 meter 2:02.30 Stavanger (NOR) Internasjonalt 24.02.1982
500 meter 39.50 Stavanger (NOR) Internasjonalt 24.02.1982
Small combination 170.285 Hamar (NOR) Selection-Races 10. - 11.02.1982
1500 meter 2:01.93 Hamar (NOR) Norwegian Junior Allround Championships 1982 07.02.1982
3000 meter 4:21.30 Tønsberg (NOR) Norges-Cupen 09.01.1982
Small combination 167.760 Tønsberg (NOR) Norges-Cupen 09. - 10.01.1982
5000 meter 7:30.96 Groningen (NED) Country Match NED-NOR 20.12.1981
1500 meter 2:02.33 Groningen (NED) Country Match NED-NOR 20.12.1981
3000 meter 4:16.38 Groningen (NED) Country Match NED-NOR 19.12.1981
1500 meter 2:02.60 Larvik (NOR) Norgescup 13.12.1981
5000 meter 7:21.80 Larvik (NOR) Norgescup 13.12.1981
3000 meter 4:17.60 Larvik (NOR) Norgescup 12.12.1981
Small combination 168.079 Larvik (NOR) Norgescup 12. - 13.12.1981
5000 meter 7:21.08 Oslo (Kristiania) (NOR) Oscarløpet 06.12.1981
5000 meter 7:35.88 Trondheim (NOR) åpningsstevne 22.11.1981
1000 meter 1:20.40 Nannestad (NOR) Propagandaløp 18.03.1981
500 meter 39.60 Nannestad (NOR) Propagandaløp 18.03.1981
5000 meter 7:40.50 Berlin (GER) Internationaler Juniorenwettkampf 08.03.1981
3000 meter 4:40.60 Levanger (NOR) Nasjonalt 03.03.1981
Small combination 170.398 Elverum (NOR) World Allround Championships Juniors 1981 28.02. - 01.03.1981
1000 meter 1:20.20 Lillestrøm (NOR) Country Match NOR-SWE-FIN-URS Juniors 21.02.1981
Mini combination 164.966 Lillestrøm (NOR) Country Match NOR-SWE-FIN-URS Juniors 20. - 21.02.1981
500 meter 39.60 Lillestrøm (NOR) Country Match NOR-SWE-FIN-URS Juniors 20.02.1981
Small combination 172.640 Tønsberg (NOR) Norwegian Junior Allround Championships 1981 07. - 08.02.1981
1000 meter 1:21.90 Tønsberg (NOR) Internasjonalt 27.12.1980
1500 meter 2:06.74 Kongsberg (NOR) Country Match NOR-NED 21.12.1980
3000 meter 4:19.30 Oslo (NOR) Juniorløp 14.12.1980
1000 meter 1:18.50 Oslo (NOR) Juniorløp 14.12.1980
1500 meter 2:01.00 Oslo (NOR) Juniorløp 13.12.1980
Mini combination 162.499 Oslo (NOR) Juniorløp 13. - 14.12.1980
5000 meter 7:40.70 Lillehammer (NOR) Lillehammerløpene 07.12.1980
3000 meter 4:20.30 Trondheim (NOR) Nasjonalt 28.11.1980
500 meter 40.47 Trondheim (NOR) Nasjonalt 28.11.1980
1000 meter 1:24.30 Levanger (NOR) Internasjonalt 17.03.1980
500 meter 41.00 Levanger (NOR) Internasjonalt 17.03.1980
1000 meter 1:19.57 Oslo (NOR) Internasjonalt 11.03.1980
1000 meter 1:19.60 Oslo (NOR) Nasjonalt 06.03.1980
1500 meter 2:04.80 Assen (NED) World Allround Championships Juniors 1980 26.02.1980
3000 meter 4:21.40 Larvik (NOR) Norwegian Youth Championships 1980 24.02.1980
1500 meter 2:05.00 Romedal (NOR) Norwegian Junior Allround Championships 1980 17.02.1980
5000 meter 7:41.50 Romedal (NOR) Norwegian Junior Allround Championships 1980 17.02.1980
500 meter 39.70 Romedal (NOR) Norwegian Junior Allround Championships 1980 16.02.1980
Small combination 172.149 Romedal (NOR) Norwegian Junior Allround Championships 1980 16. - 17.02.1980
1500 meter 2:05.40 Country Match SWE-NOR-FIN-URS Juniors 10.02.1980
Small combination 173.641 Country Match SWE-NOR-FIN-URS Juniors 09. - 10.02.1980
3000 meter 4:25.50 Country Match SWE-NOR-FIN-URS Juniors 09.02.1980
1000 meter 1:21.70 Strømmen (NOR) Norwegian Junior Sprint Championships 1980 02.02.1980
1500 meter 2:08.70 Strømmen (NOR) Nasjonalt 22.01.1980
1500 meter 2:04.80 Oslo (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 13.01.1980
5000 meter 7:38.60 Oslo (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 13.01.1980
Small combination 171.460 Oslo (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 12. - 13.01.1980
3000 meter 4:21.00 Oslo (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 12.01.1980
1000 meter 1:23.30 Nesodden (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 06.01.1980
1500 meter 2:07.20 Nesodden (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 05.01.1980
Mini combination 171.283 Nesodden (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 05. - 06.01.1980
1000 meter 1:23.20 Skedsmo (NOR) Nasjonalt 30.12.1979
1000 meter 1:22.61 Groningen (NED) Country Match NED-NOR 16.12.1979
Mini combination 171.156 Groningen (NED) Country Match NED-NOR 15. - 16.12.1979
500 meter 41.31 Groningen (NED) Country Match NED-NOR 15.12.1979
1500 meter 2:05.10 Skedsmo (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 08.12.1979
500 meter 40.70 Skedsmo (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 08.12.1979
1000 meter 1:24.70 Internationell 02.12.1979
3000 meter 4:46.40 Internationell 02.12.1979
1500 meter 2:08.10 Karlstad (SWE) Internationell 01.12.1979
500 meter 40.80 Internationell 01.12.1979
Mini combination 173.584 Internationell 01. - 02.12.1979
500 meter 40.90 Asker (NOR) Country Match NOR-SWE Juniors 23.02.1979
1500 meter 2:09.10 Røros (NOR) Norwegian Youth Championships 1979 18.02.1979
500 meter 41.70 Røros (NOR) Norwegian Youth Championships 1979 18.02.1979
500 meter 40.30 Suwa (JPN) Internationell 07.02.1979
500 meter 40.80 Skedsmo (NOR) Kretsstevne 31.01.1979
1500 meter 2:12.70 Skedsmo (NOR) Kretsstevne 31.01.1979
1500 meter 2:09.60 Lillestrøm (NOR) Nasjonalt Gutter/Jenter 14.01.1979
1000 meter 1:24.40 Lillestrøm (NOR) Internasjonalt 10.01.1979
500 meter 40.60 Lillestrøm (NOR) Internasjonalt 10.01.1979
1000 meter 1:26.50 Aurskog-Høland (NOR) Nasjonalt Løp Gutter/Jenter 15.01.1978
500 meter 41.80 Aurskog-Høland (NOR) Nasjonalt Løp Gutter/Jenter 15.01.1978
1500 meter 2:13.00 Strømmen (NOR) Kretsløp Romerike 08.01.1978
500 meter 41.20 Strømmen (NOR) Kretsløp Romerike 08.01.1978
500 meter 41.70 Strømmen (NOR) Kretsløp Romerike 26.12.1977
1000 meter 1:27.30 Strømmen (NOR) Kretsløp Romerike 26.12.1977
1000 meter 1:30.10 Strømmen (NOR) Norwegian Youth Championships 1977 19.02.1977
1000 meter 1:28.40 Oslo (NOR) Nasjonalt Gutter/Jenter 23.01.1977
1000 meter 1:29.70 Aurskog-Høland (NOR) Nasjonalt Gutter 08.01.1977
2x500 meter 91.900 Stockholm (SWE) Country Match SWE-NOR Juniors 06. - 07.03.1976
Last Update: 24.03.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
Sprint combination 157.900 Elverum (NOR) Norges-Cup Menn Sprint 05. - 06.12.1987
1500 meter 2:01.17 Stavanger (NOR) Norwegian Single Distance Championships 1987 20.02.1987
1000 meter 1:18.90 Nannestad (NOR) Propaganda 25.02.1986
1500 meter 2:00.21 Jevnaker (NOR) Norwegian Allround Championships 1986 12.01.1986
500 meter 41.00 Moss (NOR) åpning 12.12.1985
1500 meter 2:08.00 Harstad (NOR) Nordic Cup 08.03.1984
1500 meter 1:57.46 Tynset (NOR) Norwegian Allround Championships 1983 27.02.1983
5000 meter 7:18.08 Den Haag (NED) European Championships 1983 29.01.1983
3000 meter 4:10.49 Trondheim (NOR) Int Ballangruds Minneløp 28.11.1982
1500 meter 2:11.10 Alta (NOR) Nasjonalt 28.03.1982
Small combination 171.717 Savalen (NOR) Country Match SWE-NED-NOR-FRG 13. - 14.03.1982
500 meter 40.11 Stjørdal (NOR) Norwegian Sprint Championships 1982 27.02.1982
1000 meter 1:20.23 Stjørdal (NOR) Norwegian Sprint Championships 1982 27.02.1982
Sprint combination 163.735 Stjørdal (NOR) Norwegian Sprint Championships 1982 27. - 28.02.1982
1500 meter 2:02.30 Stavanger (NOR) Internasjonalt 24.02.1982
500 meter 39.50 Stavanger (NOR) Internasjonalt 24.02.1982
Small combination 170.285 Hamar (NOR) Selection-Races 10. - 11.02.1982
1500 meter 2:01.93 Hamar (NOR) Norwegian Junior Allround Championships 1982 07.02.1982
3000 meter 4:21.30 Tønsberg (NOR) Norges-Cupen 09.01.1982
Small combination 167.760 Tønsberg (NOR) Norges-Cupen 09. - 10.01.1982
5000 meter 7:30.96 Groningen (NED) Country Match NED-NOR 20.12.1981
1500 meter 2:02.33 Groningen (NED) Country Match NED-NOR 20.12.1981
3000 meter 4:16.38 Groningen (NED) Country Match NED-NOR 19.12.1981
1500 meter 2:02.60 Larvik (NOR) Norgescup 13.12.1981
5000 meter 7:21.80 Larvik (NOR) Norgescup 13.12.1981
3000 meter 4:17.60 Larvik (NOR) Norgescup 12.12.1981
Small combination 168.079 Larvik (NOR) Norgescup 12. - 13.12.1981
5000 meter 7:21.08 Oslo (Kristiania) (NOR) Oscarløpet 06.12.1981
5000 meter 7:35.88 Trondheim (NOR) åpningsstevne 22.11.1981
1000 meter 1:20.40 Nannestad (NOR) Propagandaløp 18.03.1981
500 meter 39.60 Nannestad (NOR) Propagandaløp 18.03.1981
5000 meter 7:40.50 Berlin (GER) Internationaler Juniorenwettkampf 08.03.1981
3000 meter 4:40.60 Levanger (NOR) Nasjonalt 03.03.1981
Small combination 170.398 Elverum (NOR) World Allround Championships Juniors 1981 28.02. - 01.03.1981
1000 meter 1:20.20 Lillestrøm (NOR) Country Match NOR-SWE-FIN-URS Juniors 21.02.1981
Mini combination 164.966 Lillestrøm (NOR) Country Match NOR-SWE-FIN-URS Juniors 20. - 21.02.1981
500 meter 39.60 Lillestrøm (NOR) Country Match NOR-SWE-FIN-URS Juniors 20.02.1981
Small combination 172.640 Tønsberg (NOR) Norwegian Junior Allround Championships 1981 07. - 08.02.1981
1000 meter 1:21.90 Tønsberg (NOR) Internasjonalt 27.12.1980
1500 meter 2:06.74 Kongsberg (NOR) Country Match NOR-NED 21.12.1980
3000 meter 4:19.30 Oslo (NOR) Juniorløp 14.12.1980
1000 meter 1:18.50 Oslo (NOR) Juniorløp 14.12.1980
1500 meter 2:01.00 Oslo (NOR) Juniorløp 13.12.1980
Mini combination 162.499 Oslo (NOR) Juniorløp 13. - 14.12.1980
5000 meter 7:40.70 Lillehammer (NOR) Lillehammerløpene 07.12.1980
3000 meter 4:20.30 Trondheim (NOR) Nasjonalt 28.11.1980
500 meter 40.47 Trondheim (NOR) Nasjonalt 28.11.1980
1000 meter 1:24.30 Levanger (NOR) Internasjonalt 17.03.1980
500 meter 41.00 Levanger (NOR) Internasjonalt 17.03.1980
1000 meter 1:19.57 Oslo (NOR) Internasjonalt 11.03.1980
1000 meter 1:19.60 Oslo (NOR) Nasjonalt 06.03.1980
1500 meter 2:04.80 Assen (NED) World Allround Championships Juniors 1980 26.02.1980
3000 meter 4:21.40 Larvik (NOR) Norwegian Youth Championships 1980 24.02.1980
1500 meter 2:05.00 Romedal (NOR) Norwegian Junior Allround Championships 1980 17.02.1980
5000 meter 7:41.50 Romedal (NOR) Norwegian Junior Allround Championships 1980 17.02.1980
500 meter 39.70 Romedal (NOR) Norwegian Junior Allround Championships 1980 16.02.1980
Small combination 172.149 Romedal (NOR) Norwegian Junior Allround Championships 1980 16. - 17.02.1980
1500 meter 2:05.40 Country Match SWE-NOR-FIN-URS Juniors 10.02.1980
Small combination 173.641 Country Match SWE-NOR-FIN-URS Juniors 09. - 10.02.1980
3000 meter 4:25.50 Country Match SWE-NOR-FIN-URS Juniors 09.02.1980
1000 meter 1:21.70 Strømmen (NOR) Norwegian Junior Sprint Championships 1980 02.02.1980
1500 meter 2:08.70 Strømmen (NOR) Nasjonalt 22.01.1980
1500 meter 2:04.80 Oslo (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 13.01.1980
5000 meter 7:38.60 Oslo (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 13.01.1980
Small combination 171.460 Oslo (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 12. - 13.01.1980
3000 meter 4:21.00 Oslo (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 12.01.1980
1000 meter 1:23.30 Nesodden (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 06.01.1980
1500 meter 2:07.20 Nesodden (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 05.01.1980
Mini combination 171.283 Nesodden (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 05. - 06.01.1980
1000 meter 1:23.20 Skedsmo (NOR) Nasjonalt 30.12.1979
1000 meter 1:22.61 Groningen (NED) Country Match NED-NOR 16.12.1979
Mini combination 171.156 Groningen (NED) Country Match NED-NOR 15. - 16.12.1979
500 meter 41.31 Groningen (NED) Country Match NED-NOR 15.12.1979
1500 meter 2:05.10 Skedsmo (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 08.12.1979
500 meter 40.70 Skedsmo (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 08.12.1979
1000 meter 1:24.70 Internationell 02.12.1979
3000 meter 4:46.40 Internationell 02.12.1979
1500 meter 2:08.10 Karlstad (SWE) Internationell 01.12.1979
500 meter 40.80 Internationell 01.12.1979
Mini combination 173.584 Internationell 01. - 02.12.1979
500 meter 40.90 Asker (NOR) Country Match NOR-SWE Juniors 23.02.1979
1500 meter 2:09.10 Røros (NOR) Norwegian Youth Championships 1979 18.02.1979
500 meter 41.70 Røros (NOR) Norwegian Youth Championships 1979 18.02.1979
500 meter 40.30 Suwa (JPN) Internationell 07.02.1979
500 meter 40.80 Skedsmo (NOR) Kretsstevne 31.01.1979
1500 meter 2:12.70 Skedsmo (NOR) Kretsstevne 31.01.1979
1500 meter 2:09.60 Lillestrøm (NOR) Nasjonalt Gutter/Jenter 14.01.1979
1000 meter 1:24.40 Lillestrøm (NOR) Internasjonalt 10.01.1979
500 meter 40.60 Lillestrøm (NOR) Internasjonalt 10.01.1979
1000 meter 1:26.50 Aurskog-Høland (NOR) Nasjonalt Løp Gutter/Jenter 15.01.1978
500 meter 41.80 Aurskog-Høland (NOR) Nasjonalt Løp Gutter/Jenter 15.01.1978
1500 meter 2:13.00 Strømmen (NOR) Kretsløp Romerike 08.01.1978
500 meter 41.20 Strømmen (NOR) Kretsløp Romerike 08.01.1978
500 meter 41.70 Strømmen (NOR) Kretsløp Romerike 26.12.1977
1000 meter 1:27.30 Strømmen (NOR) Kretsløp Romerike 26.12.1977
1000 meter 1:30.10 Strømmen (NOR) Norwegian Youth Championships 1977 19.02.1977
1000 meter 1:28.40 Oslo (NOR) Nasjonalt Gutter/Jenter 23.01.1977
1000 meter 1:29.70 Aurskog-Høland (NOR) Nasjonalt Gutter 08.01.1977
2x500 meter 91.900 Stockholm (SWE) Country Match SWE-NOR Juniors 06. - 07.03.1976
Last Update: 24.03.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
Mini combination 162.499 Oslo (NOR) Juniorløp 13. - 14.12.1980
Last Update: 24.03.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
1500 meter 2:01.93 Hamar (NOR) Norwegian Junior Allround Championships 1982 07.02.1982
Small combination 172.151 Romedal (NOR) Norwegian Junior Allround Championships 1980 16. - 17.02.1980
Last Update: 24.03.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
2x500 meter 91.900 Stockholm (SWE) Country Match SWE-NOR Juniors 06. - 07.03.1976
Last Update: 24.03.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
1000 meter 1:24.10 Oslo (NOR) Nasjonalt Løp Gutter/Jenter 14.03.1978
Sprint combination 168.800 Oslo (NOR) Norwegian Junior Sprint Championships 1978 11. - 12.03.1978
1000 meter 1:24.94 Oslo (NOR) Norwegian Junior Sprint Championships 1978 11.03.1978
1000 meter 1:25.30 Göteborg (SWE) Country Match SWE-NOR Juniors 25.02.1978
1500 meter 2:12.30 Oslo (NOR) Nasjonalt Gutter 12.01.1978
1500 meter 2:13.00 Strømmen (NOR) Kretsløp Romerike 08.01.1978
500 meter 41.20 Strømmen (NOR) Kretsløp Romerike 08.01.1978
500 meter 41.30 Drammen (NOR) Nasjonalt Løp Gutter/Jenter 07.01.1978
1000 meter 1:26.30 Oslo (NOR) Nasjonalt Løp Gutter/Jenter 10.03.1977
2x500 meter 91.900 Stockholm (SWE) Country Match SWE-NOR Juniors 06. - 07.03.1976
1500 meter 2:04.19 Savalen (NOR) Internasjonalt 13.03.1980
5000 meter 7:34.00 Assen (NED) World Allround Championships Juniors 1980 26.02.1980
5000 meter 7:38.60 Oslo (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 13.01.1980
3000 meter 4:21.00 Oslo (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 12.01.1980
Small combination 171.460 Oslo (NOR) Nasjonalt Junior 12. - 13.01.1980
3000 meter 4:27.29 Suwa (JPN) Internationell 07.02.1979
1500 meter 1:58.71 Davos (SUI) Internationaler Wettkampf 17.01.1982
Small combination 166.680 Davos (SUI) Internationaler Wettkampf 16. - 17.01.1982
Small combination 167.760 Tønsberg (NOR) Norges-Cupen 09. - 10.01.1982
Big combination 173.128 Oslo (Kristiania) (NOR) Nyttårs Løpene 02. - 03.01.1982
Small combination 168.079 Larvik (NOR) Norgescup 12. - 13.12.1981
5000 meter 7:21.08 Oslo (Kristiania) (NOR) Oscarløpet 06.12.1981
Small combination 170.398 Elverum (NOR) World Allround Championships Juniors 1981 28.02. - 01.03.1981
3000 meter 4:17.75 Davos (SUI) Internationaler Wettkampf 16.01.1981
5000 meter 7:25.93 Davos (SUI) Internationaler Wettkampf 10.01.1981
1500 meter 2:00.16 Davos (SUI) Internationaler Wettkampf 10.01.1981
1500 meter 2:01.00 Oslo (NOR) Juniorløp 13.12.1980
Mini combination 162.499 Oslo (NOR) Juniorløp 13. - 14.12.1980
Last Update: 24.03.2025


Event1st Rank2st Rank3st RankTotalTop-10Starts
Olympic Games - - - - 1 3
World Championships Allround - - - - 1 4
World Championships Juniors 1 - - 1 2 2
European Championships - - 1 1 1 4
Final World Cup - - - - 2 7
World Cup - - - - 10 26
National Championships 2 4 1 7 16 17
National Championships Juniors 11 1 - 12 12 14
Country Match 5 3 1 9 16 18
International Top Events 1 - - 1 3 6
Other International 28 15 10 53 75 87
Other National 103 11 9 123 133 138
Last Update: 24.03.2025 (World Cup Podiums, Total and Top-10 are for Division-A, only)
Event1st Rank2st Rank3st RankTotalTop-10Starts
Oslo (NOR) 24 3 5 32 40 45
Skedsmo (NOR) 22 1 1 24 24 25
Lillestrøm (NOR) 13 1 - 14 14 14
Strømmen (NOR) 11 - - 11 11 11
Aurskog-Høland (NOR) 8 2 - 10 11 11
Trondheim (NOR) 1 8 1 10 12 14
Oslo (Kristiania) (NOR) 5 1 1 7 8 8
Larvik (NOR) 6 - 1 7 9 11
Hamar (NOR) 3 - 3 6 6 8
Eidsvoll (NOR) 5 - 1 6 6 6
Inzell (GER) 2 1 2 5 12 19
Nesodden (NOR) 3 1 - 4 4 4
Brandbu (NOR) 2 1 - 3 4 4
Drammen (NOR) 3 - - 3 3 3
Jevnaker (NOR) 3 - - 3 4 4
Tønsberg (NOR) 2 1 - 3 4 5
Asker (NOR) 2 - 1 3 3 3
Oslo (NOR) 3 - - 3 3 3
Kongsberg (NOR) 1 2 - 3 4 4
Davos (SUI) 2 1 - 3 8 14
Nannestad (NOR) 2 - 1 3 3 3
Jessheim (NOR) 2 1 - 3 4 4
Stavanger (NOR) 1 1 1 3 5 6
Savalen (NOR) - 1 1 2 4 6
Elverum (NOR) 2 - - 2 2 2
Karuizawa (JPN) 2 - - 2 2 2
Innsbruck (AUT) 1 1 - 2 3 9
Suwa (JPN) 1 1 - 2 2 2
Berlin (GER) 1 1 - 2 2 2
Matsumoto (JPN) 2 - - 2 2 2
Göteborg (SWE) 2 - - 2 4 4
Oslo (Kristiania) (NOR) 2 - - 2 4 5
Alma Ata (KAZ) - 1 - 1 2 2
Harstad (NOR) 1 - - 1 1 1
Den Haag (NED) - - 1 1 1 1
Tynset (NOR) - 1 - 1 2 2
Romedal (NOR) 1 - - 1 1 1
Sala (SWE) - 1 - 1 1 1
Groningen (NED) 1 - - 1 1 2
Stockholm (SWE) 1 - - 1 1 1
Lillehammer (NOR) - - 1 1 1 2
Levanger (NOR) - - 1 1 5 5
Røros (NOR) 1 - - 1 1 1
Karlstad (SWE) 1 - - 1 1 1
Moss (NOR) 1 - - 1 1 1
Oslo (NOR) 1 - - 1 1 1
Kolbotn (NOR) 1 - - 1 1 1
Oslo (NOR) 1 - - 1 1 1
Otta (NOR) 1 - - 1 1 1
Oppdal (NOR) - 1 - 1 2 3
Hønefoss (NOR) 1 - - 1 1 1
Hundorp (NOR) - 1 - 1 4 4
Sarajevo (BIH) - - - - 1 3
Assen (NED) - - - - 1 1
Alta (NOR) - - - - 1 1
Utrecht (NED) - - - - - 1
Frösön (SWE) - - - - 3 4
Heerenveen (NED) - - - - 2 5
Berlin (GER) - - - - 3 4
Göteborg (SWE) - - - - - 1
Heerenveen (NED) - - - - 1 1
Moscow (RUS) - - - - - 1
Stjørdal (NOR) - - - - 1 1
Last Update: 24.03.2025 (World Cup Podiums, Total and Top-10 are for Division-A, only)

Competition Ranking:

Select Season:

Competitons sorted by active Seasons:

Season: 1989 - 1990

PosDistanceTime / PointsCompetitionLocationDate
1000 meter
1:22.99 Norwegian Single Distance Championships 1990 Brandbu (NOR) 29.12.1989
1000 meter (Menn Sprint)
1:20.30 Skøyteringen Oslo (NOR) 19.12.1989
Last Update: 24.03.2025
Select Category:

Competitions sorted by Relevance and Importance:

Olympic Games

PosDistanceTime / PointsCompetitionLocationDate
5000 meter
7:18.27 Olympic Winter Games 1984 Sarajevo (BIH) 08.02.1984
1500 meter
2:02.05 Olympic Winter Games 1984 Sarajevo (BIH) 08.02.1984
10.000 meter
15:08.34 Olympic Winter Games 1984 Sarajevo (BIH) 08.02.1984
Last Update: 24.03.2025