Athlete Data of Minako Taki

Profile image of Minako Taki
Current state:
Retired (n/a)
Last competition:

Personal Bests:

DistancePersonal BestLocationEventDate
300 meter 41.20 Paris (FRA) Durant Les Championnats Du Monde De Patinage Artistique Femmes 23.02.1936
500 meter 52.50 Oslo (Kristiania) (NOR) Internationaler Wettkampf 19.01.1936
1000 meter 1:51.20 Gjøvik (NOR) Internationell 22.01.1936
1500 meter 2:55.70 Oslo (Kristiania) (NOR) Internationaler Wettkampf 18.01.1936
3000 meter 6:14.60 Shenyang (JPN) Stevne For Japans Olympiadeltagere 28.12.1935
5000 meter 10:44.20 Stockholm (SWE) World Allround Championships 1936 01.02.1936
Last Update: 10.03.2025

Established or current Recordholder:

TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
1000 meter 1:51.20 Gjøvik (NOR) Internationell 22.01.1936
1500 meter 2:55.70 Oslo (Kristiania) (NOR) Internationaler Wettkampf 19.01.1936
500 meter 52.50 Oslo (Kristiania) (NOR) Internationaler Wettkampf 18.01.1936
1000 meter 1:51.90 Oslo (Kristiania) (NOR) Internationaler Wettkampf 18.01.1936
1000 meter 2:00.00 Shenyang (JPN) Mesterskap For Manchukuo 15.12.1935
5000 meter 10:59.90 Shenyang (JPN) Mesterskap For Manchukuo 15.12.1935
1500 meter 2:57.00 Nikkō (JPN) Japanese Allround Championships 1935 23.01.1935
500 meter 54.40 Nikkō (JPN) Japanese Allround Championships 1935 22.01.1935
500 meter 55.90 Nikkō (JPN) Nationell 03.01.1935
1500 meter 3:03.60 Nikkō (JPN) Nationell 03.01.1935
1500 meter 3:05.60 Shenyang (JPN) Nationell 10.02.1934
1500 meter 3:06.80 Kamofu (JPN) Japanese Allround Championships 1934 04.02.1934
Last Update: 10.03.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
5000 meter 10:59.90 Shenyang (JPN) Mesterskap For Manchukuo 15.12.1935
1000 meter 2:00.00 Shenyang (JPN) Mesterskap For Manchukuo 15.12.1935
500 meter 55.10 Nagoya (JPN) Nationell 17.02.1935
1500 meter 3:07.40 Nagoya (JPN) Nationell 17.02.1935
1500 meter 2:57.00 Nikkō (JPN) Japanese Allround Championships 1935 23.01.1935
500 meter 54.40 Nikkō (JPN) Japanese Allround Championships 1935 22.01.1935
1500 meter 3:03.60 Shenyang (JPN) Nationell 13.01.1935
500 meter 55.90 Shenyang (JPN) Nationell 12.01.1935
500 meter 55.90 Nikkō (JPN) Nationell 03.01.1935
1500 meter 3:03.60 Nikkō (JPN) Nationell 03.01.1935
1500 meter 3:05.60 Shenyang (JPN) Nationell 10.02.1934
1500 meter 3:06.80 Kamofu (JPN) Japanese Allround Championships 1934 04.02.1934
500 meter 1:00.50 Kamofu (JPN) Japanese Allround Championships 1934 03.02.1934
Last Update: 10.03.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
5000 meter 10:59.90 Shenyang (JPN) Mesterskap For Manchukuo 15.12.1935
1000 meter 2:00.00 Shenyang (JPN) Mesterskap For Manchukuo 15.12.1935
500 meter 55.10 Nagoya (JPN) Nationell 17.02.1935
1500 meter 3:07.40 Nagoya (JPN) Nationell 17.02.1935
1500 meter 2:57.00 Nikkō (JPN) Japanese Allround Championships 1935 23.01.1935
500 meter 54.40 Nikkō (JPN) Japanese Allround Championships 1935 22.01.1935
1500 meter 3:03.60 Shenyang (JPN) Nationell 13.01.1935
500 meter 55.90 Shenyang (JPN) Nationell 12.01.1935
1500 meter 3:03.60 Nikkō (JPN) Nationell 03.01.1935
500 meter 55.90 Nikkō (JPN) Nationell 03.01.1935
1500 meter 3:05.60 Shenyang (JPN) Nationell 10.02.1934
1500 meter 3:06.80 Kamofu (JPN) Japanese Allround Championships 1934 04.02.1934
500 meter 1:00.50 Kamofu (JPN) Japanese Allround Championships 1934 03.02.1934
Last Update: 10.03.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
1000 meter 1:51.20 Gjøvik (NOR) Internationell 22.01.1936
1500 meter 2:55.70 Oslo (Kristiania) (NOR) Internationaler Wettkampf 19.01.1936
1000 meter 1:51.90 Oslo (Kristiania) (NOR) Internationaler Wettkampf 18.01.1936
500 meter 52.50 Oslo (Kristiania) (NOR) Internationaler Wettkampf 18.01.1936
1000 meter 2:00.00 Shenyang (JPN) Mesterskap For Manchukuo 15.12.1935
5000 meter 10:59.90 Shenyang (JPN) Mesterskap For Manchukuo 15.12.1935
1500 meter 2:57.00 Nikkō (JPN) Japanese Allround Championships 1935 23.01.1935
500 meter 54.40 Nikkō (JPN) Japanese Allround Championships 1935 22.01.1935
500 meter 55.90 Nikkō (JPN) Nationell 03.01.1935
1500 meter 3:03.60 Nikkō (JPN) Nationell 03.01.1935
1500 meter 3:05.60 Shenyang (JPN) Nationell 10.02.1934
1500 meter 3:06.80 Kamofu (JPN) Japanese Allround Championships 1934 04.02.1934
Last Update: 10.03.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
1500 meter 2:57.00 Nikkō (JPN) Japanese Allround Championships 1935 23.01.1935
500 meter 54.40 Nikkō (JPN) Japanese Allround Championships 1935 22.01.1935
1500 meter 3:06.80 Kamofu (JPN) Japanese Allround Championships 1934 04.02.1934
500 meter 1:00.50 Kamofu (JPN) Japanese Allround Championships 1934 03.02.1934
Last Update: 10.03.2025


Event1st Rank2st Rank3st RankTotalTop-10Starts
World Championships Allround - - - - 1 1
National Championships 2 - - 2 2 2
Other International - - 1 1 3 3
Other National 8 1 - 9 9 9
Last Update: 10.03.2025 (World Cup Podiums, Total and Top-10 are for Division-A, only)
Event1st Rank2st Rank3st RankTotalTop-10Starts
Shenyang (JPN) 6 1 - 7 7 7
Nikkō (JPN) 2 - - 2 2 2
Paris (FRA) - - 1 1 1 1
Kamofu (JPN) 1 - - 1 1 1
Nagoya (JPN) 1 - - 1 1 1
Stockholm (SWE) - - - - 1 1
Oslo (Kristiania) (NOR) - - - - 1 1
Gjøvik (NOR) - - - - 1 1
Last Update: 10.03.2025 (World Cup Podiums, Total and Top-10 are for Division-A, only)

Competition Ranking:

Select Season:

Competitons sorted by active Seasons:

Season: 1935 - 1936

PosDistanceTime / PointsCompetitionLocationDate
300 meter
41.20 Durant Les Championnats Du Monde De Patinage Artistique Femmes Paris (FRA) 23.02.1936
6 / 6 / 2 / 6
500m / 3000m / 1000m / 5000m
241.386 World Allround Championships 1936 Stockholm (SWE) 01. - 02.02.1936
3 / 4
500m / 1000m
108.700 Internationell Gjøvik (NOR) 22.01.1936
5 / 4 / 4
500m / 1500m / 1000m
167.017 Internationaler Wettkampf Oslo (Kristiania) (NOR) 18. - 19.01.1936
1000 meter
2:03.50 Nationell Shenyang (JPN) 31.12.1935
1000 meter
2:03.50 Stevne For Japans Olympiadeltagere Shenyang (JPN) 29.12.1935
500 meter
56.10 Stevne For Japans Olympiadeltagere Shenyang (JPN) 28.12.1935
3000 meter
6:14.60 Stevne For Japans Olympiadeltagere Shenyang (JPN) 28.12.1935
2 / 1 / 1 / 2
500m / 3000m / 1000m / 5000m
247.090 Mesterskap For Manchukuo Shenyang (JPN) 14. - 15.12.1935
Last Update: 10.03.2025
Select Category:

Competitions sorted by Relevance and Importance:

World Championships Allround

PosDistanceTime / PointsCompetitionLocationDate
6 / 6 / 6 / 2
500m / 3000m / 1000m / 5000m
241.386 World Allround Championships 1936 Stockholm (SWE) 01. - 02.02.1936
Last Update: 10.03.2025